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Posts Tagged 'Productivity' RSS

How to Be Productive and Have a Balanced Life

A productive and balanced life is what each of us wants to achieve. Unfortunately, it is something that may seem so hard to achieve with piles of crazy schedules, work commitments, relationship problems, and financial situations we're facing today. But don't fret: having a balanced life is definitely a long-term, attainable goal.
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Mastering Discomfort Is the Key to Workplace Accountability

When I saw the grimace on my client’s face, I knew we were about to discuss something genuinely difficult. And I was right: workplace accountability was a significant problem in her organization. Their managers, she explained, avoided taking on these kinds of conversations - especially those meant to correct the smaller performance failings and less egregious transgressions - and because of their avoidance, the problems always got bigger, more complicated, and much harder to solve.
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Making Connections

When you already feel super time crunched… It can feel really overwhelming to think about meeting new people. How can you expand your network when you can barely keep up with the people you know?

I completely understand that you have a certain relational capacity and that over investing in meeting new people is not a good use of time. However, through recent conversations with new additions to my network, I’ve been reminded of...
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Stop and Read a Few Faces and Minds along the Way

One of the challenges that Project Managers encounter as they work through the project in front of them is to find the time to step away from the Gantt charts and the email for a while and actually go and talk to a few people.

The temptation to stay shuttered away in one’s office is huge – after all there is always so much to get done, and having a smartphone means never having to say you’re unavailable. This leads to a profound change in the physiology of any busy person (not just Project Managers), in which their minds stay in a state of siege, prepared mostly for reaction and seldom for interaction.
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Project Lists: Seeing the Big Picture

For the past couple years, I’ve been leading workshops and teaching Berklee Online courses about project management, aimed mostly at those working in the music industry. A trend I’m finding among my students is that many of them arrive at my doorstep feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of their work. They have so many concerts, recordings, teaching responsibilities, gigs, and other endeavors in their lives that they feel it is all out of control.
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Throw Out Complex Project Timelines & Achieve Results

As companies have started to grow again yet profitable growth remains a tall order, it is all the more critical that companies deliver the expected project results - on time, on/under budget and meeting/exceeding the intended results. Therefore, it is critical that we throw out the old paradigms, starting with the need for complex project timelines. I hear my project management colleagues thinking, "heresy!"
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5 Collaboration Tips

Are you collaborating with a virtual team? When you’ve got several parties involved and they are all based in different locations, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. The trick is to work effectively by using good collaboration skills. That sounds simple, but in large project teams it can be difficult to do in practice. Here are five collaboration tips that you can use today so that your team can work more effectively.
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Seven Essential Time Management Strategies

To get ahead in your career, deliver your projects successfully and to get a promotion or a pay rise, you must learn to consistently focus on the activities that add the most benefit to your projects and your clients. The better you are at maintaining focus and managing your time, the more you will achieve and the easier it will be for you to leave the office on time. Not only does effective time management allow you to get better results at work, it also helps you withstand stress and live a more fulfilling life outside of work.

The following strategies will help you get the right things done in less time.
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The Zen of Work

‘When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.’ - Shunryu Suzuki-roshi

At work, we often face stressful situations, dreaded projects, irritating co-workers, frustrating bosses, an overwhelming number of tasks and messages, boring work we don’t enjoy.
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Actionmint's articles are about productivity, collaboration, entrepreneurship & project management. Everything about getting your work done.

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Jonathan FeistAnya FaingershJason WestlandLew SauderSusanne MadsenPeter TaylorAndrea FrancisNaomi Caietti, PMPMichael HatfieldMário H TrentimTabitha Jean NaylorMichael LuchiesSteve PrenticeKayla A. RoxasConrado Morlan, PgMP, PMP
