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How to Be Productive and Have a Balanced Life

A productive and balanced life is what each of us wants to achieve. Unfortunately, it is something that may seem so hard to achieve with piles of crazy schedules, work commitments, relationship problems, and financial situations we're facing today. But don't fret: having a balanced life is definitely a long-term, attainable goal.

It's actually a matter of perspective. Everyone has a different view of what a "balanced life" really means. Some say a balanced life is one where you can work and still have a "life". Others think that a balanced life is pure "life" because your work is taken not as an a separate part of you, but as a big portion of your personal life. Either way, it's safe to say that what most of us believe is a balanced life is one where you are able to attend to different aspects of your life on a daily basis, and be content with it. Along with contentment comes the question, "Am I productive in what I'm doing at work/school/with my relationships and self?" This is truly the inevitable factor - productivity is the key to having a balanced life.

If what you need is productivity in order to achieve a balanced life, how do you go about it? It's not easy, really, but here are 5 tips we recommend on how to become more productive and ultimately, achieve a well-balanced life:

1. Prioritize

You’ve likely heard this time and time again. But it’s worth repeating! Although difficult, you need to step outside of yourself and sort things out in your mind. It's important to remember that you're not Superman or Wonderwoman who has super powers to get everything done in a sec. Even these superheroes need to sort out which things they need to do first!

To get your priorities straight, ask yourself, "What do I love most?" Life can get so busy that when heavy problems come, you might not be able to decide what to attend to first. For instance, you might struggle with devoting your whole time to your kids as a mom versus working in the office full time. Spending quality time with your kids is important to you, as well as work. To prioritize does not mean to devote yourself to one aspect of your life and ignore the others. What you can do is divide your day in such a way that your children get to spend time with you, and you still attend to your 8-hour job. There are many work-at-home opportunities that are trending and more are popping up, which is extremely helpful to moms nowadays.

2. Trim

It's time to let go. Don't hold on to too many things at a time, especially those that don't help you achieve a well-balanced life - or worse, pull you out of the productivity lane.

Got stressful relationships with people who don't seem to care about your efforts in making it work out? Well, take time to talk with them about how you are stressed with what's going on. If they realize and try to make an effort to mend the relationship, give them a chance to do so. If there's no sign of them realizing at all, speak out your "Thanks for the memories" spiel. There are so many people out there you can be friends or partners with. Don't close yourself off to new, amazing opportunities of meeting them because you're holding on to people who make you feel bad.

If you're happy with your 8-hour job right now, you can boost productivity by developing a stronger bond with your coworkers, and even your boss. Invite them to have coffee with you once in a while, or simply place a sticky note that says, "You're awesome!" on their desk. They will feel good about themselves, and yes, you'll feel great in the office, too!

As you probably know, with the rise of the Internet there are more and more opportunities for you to choose flexible work hours and conditions. Many people are becoming freelancers and entrepreneurs because this allows them to manage their own time. If you're too stressed out with a regular office job, entrepreneurship or freelancing is a great option.

3. Disconnect

Reading the News Feed on your Facebook account surely keeps you updated with what's happening with your family and friends. Texting and playing games on your phone or PC are undoubtedly great activities to connect with other people in the virtual world. But it's ironic how technology has distanced us from what's really important - building relationships with people close to our hearts, in real time.

This weekend, why not stay away from your PC, put the phone down, turn off the TV, and have a fun picnic with your family and friends? Bring out that good'ol Scrabble board and play with words with your kids! When you go back to work on Monday, you'll be more energetic and productive than before, as you look forward to next weekend's Pictionary game with your buddies!

4. Go Natural

Keeping your health at best improves productivity at work and eventually, a more balanced work-life experience. One way to stay healthy and fit is to eat organic and avoid processed foods. Aside from giving you energy and protection against sickness, there are so many organic foods that can boost your endorphin levels. Endorphins are dubbed as "happy hormones" that make you feel good, increase your productivity and thus, help you balance your life. Dark chocolate (yes!), bananas, strawberries, sesame seeds, salmon, turkey, Greek yogurt, and fruit-flavored ice cream will enhance your happy hormones for sure!

5. Detoxify

You can do so many things to detoxify your life. Physically, you can "detoxify" and lower your stress levels by going to a spa and having a full body massage once in a while. Get a new hair cut and shop for new clothes. Pamper yourself simply because you cannot love others if you don't love yourself first. When it comes to your social life, minimize your time around negative or "toxic" people or you'll be one of them in no time. However, don't shut your door for them. Instead, try to influence them with your own positivity so these people who whine and complain would start to appreciate the good things in life like what you're trying to do. While you attempt to detoxify yourself, it's good to help others get detoxified, too.

It may seem difficult to maintain a well-balanced life. But, when you’re enjoying life and boosting your productivity levels, you'll be sure to rock a more balanced life sooner than you think.

Tags: Productivity

Kayla A. Roxas

Kayla A. Roxas

Kayla A. Roxas is an author, speaker, business coach and the founder of the Young Women Entrepreneurs Club. Her passion and purpose in life is to help women live fulfilling lives while building successful businesses.…
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