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Project Management Skill: Getting the Team to Communicate

One of the most important skills a project manager has is being able to communicate effectively with the team. Project managers need to know when to communicate, when not to communicate, and how to do it effectively. Having good communication skills means knowing the the right format – should I email this person, call her, or schedule a meeting in person?
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The 5 C’s of Successful and Happy Businesses

1. Communication. Clearly communicate what you do and for who. Otherwise known as your pitch, getting really clear on WHAT you are offering and WHO it offers value to is vital. Learning how to articulate what you do helps other people hire you. Take time to develop your ‘elevator pitch’ make sure you can explain in under a minute how what you do is of value to the people you do it for. Practice your pitch until it flows, until you sound clear and confident.
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7 Secrets Every Startup Should Know

Here is the list of my startup secrets. There are things that every startup needs no matter what field it operates in or what business it is pursuing.

1. Sounding Boards - Every startup should have multitudes of sounding boards that provide feedback on your idea and help you refine it and continuously improve it. Almost guaranteed that a startup’s initial idea will need to do several revamps before...
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Join the Conversation: How to Engage your Customers through Social Media

Small business owners, if you’re not engaging your customers through social media and taking the time to learn the best social media marketing tactics, it's time to start! People use the Internet to meet their future spouses, apply for jobs, research different subjects, and evaluate and compare different products and services. If you're not using social media to your advantage, you're missing a valuable opportunity to engage with current and potential customers.
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The Ancient and Future Art of Outsourcing and Collaboration

Back in the age when the Romans ruled much of the world, there was a special place, located in what we now collectively call the Middle East, where three major roads met: the road leading northwest to Europe, the road leading south to Africa, and the road leading east to Asia. At the meeting place of these three roads was, so the story goes, a giant pole, upon which passers-by would post messages to other passers-by, in the hope and expectation that the private messages would be delivered to their destinations...
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Do You Have the Time and Energy for Project Paperwork?

Project managers are often mystified by the amount of “paperwork” that the average project requires. Even if handled on a computer without a single sheet of actual paper being touched, there seems to be an inordinate amount of writing standing between a project manager and the perceived reality of actually doing things. The temptation is great to bypass all of this bureaucratic writing, or at least put it off to the end of the project, but such thoughts are very dangerous.
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How to Be Productive and Have a Balanced Life

A productive and balanced life is what each of us wants to achieve. Unfortunately, it is something that may seem so hard to achieve with piles of crazy schedules, work commitments, relationship problems, and financial situations we're facing today. But don't fret: having a balanced life is definitely a long-term, attainable goal.
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5 Online Business Tips For New Entrepreneurs

New entrepreneurs might feel overwhelmed by online jargon. Learning about SEO, WordPress, and a whole host of new online concepts seems too much to handle for a green newbie to the online world. Take a deep breath. Any veteran entrepreneur knows the feeling well.
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Mastering Discomfort Is the Key to Workplace Accountability

When I saw the grimace on my client’s face, I knew we were about to discuss something genuinely difficult. And I was right: workplace accountability was a significant problem in her organization. Their managers, she explained, avoided taking on these kinds of conversations - especially those meant to correct the smaller performance failings and less egregious transgressions - and because of their avoidance, the problems always got bigger, more complicated, and much harder to solve.
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Sang LeeRobert KellySteven StarkeConrado Morlan, PgMP, PMPSteve PrenticeMário H TrentimDave WakemanAndrea FrancisKathy CaprinoKen LaRoeElizabeth Grace SaundersJoe PalkoSusanne MadsenMichael HatfieldNaomi Caietti, PMP
