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Your own PM style: Do You Have It?

Do you have a project management style? How did we come to know what we know? Obviously, our first answer would be that we learned things in schools and universities and later acquired some practical experience in the job market. After that, we did our best to keep ourselves updated about the state of the art, visiting trainings, and reading articles.

But I'm not talking about that. What I'm asking is how did you come to acquire your style of working, your working patterns, the certain way you do things – they didn't teach you those things in the university.
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4 Social Media Life Hacks for the Savvy Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, you have to use plenty of life hacks. You know that social media marketing is key to any successful marketing plan, but you also know that you have other things to get done.

So here are four savvy tips that will help build a social presence for your company while you get working on other parts of your business.
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How to Find and Acquire Relevant Twitter Followers

Are all Twitter followers created equal? You’ve probably seen accounts with tens of thousands of Twitter followers, but have you ever wondered how many of those followers are engaged in what they are reading? Finding the right, relevant followers will help you build a network of engaged, targeted brand ambassadors.
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Mastering Core Skills is Hard Work

Are you able to consistently deliver projects that meet or exceed stakeholders' expectations on time and within budget? Today's organizations expect project managers to have a strong set of core skills, which are to complement their use of innovative methodologies and project tools. Core skills also know as interpersonal skills or people skills are behavioral competencies. Core skills include proficiencies such as communication skills, conflict resolution and negotiation, personal effectiveness, creative problem solving, strategic thinking, team building, influencing skills, and selling skills, to name a few.
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Entrepreneurs Vs. Academia: How Project Management is Advanced

How does management science advance? Of course, in the hard sciences the field moves forward when some researcher develops and tests a given theory, and either proves or disproves it in an experimental setting. However, a free marketplace, with thousands (if not millions) of unpredictable people serving as influencers on the outcome of a test on a given business theory represents too complex an environment to prove or disprove anything (kind of makes you wonder why they bother to describe such a field of inquiry as “management science”). So, with the clean laboratory setting denied management theorists, how does management science advance?
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5 Collaboration Tips

Are you collaborating with a virtual team? When you’ve got several parties involved and they are all based in different locations, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. The trick is to work effectively by using good collaboration skills. That sounds simple, but in large project teams it can be difficult to do in practice. Here are five collaboration tips that you can use today so that your team can work more effectively.
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Fail fast, manage more projects

Some of us spend most of our lives waiting for an awesome idea that will never come, others have lots of ideas and projects but don´t execute them. Every successful entrepreneur is an executor, people who do whatever it takes to bring their ideas to life.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. Many people dream about being the next Facebook or Apple, but few are willing to do what it takes to get there. Discipline is what it takes. Of course there are exceptions and accidental entrepreneurs who can be successful.
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Lessons Learned: Why don’t we learn from them?

The question that is often asked amongst many of us in project management is ‘why didn’t we learn from that experience? Albert Einstein said ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So why do we accept ‘insanity’ as the path of project management?

The next time you are in a meeting just try this out. Whether you are presenting or someone else it doesn’t matter but what happens when the inevitable happens, you go to write something on the flipchart or the whiteboard and the pen is dry. How many of you (and I freely admit I am just as guilty) put the pen down on the rack again, pick up another one and carry on with the key, interesting, important point you were making.
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A Pretty Sweet Entrepreneurial Recipe

The man decided (one day - he's not sure when it became a reality) he was going to put his full weight behind that entrepreneurial idea. It had been nagging him for months, how great this idea would be to solve that problem at the office. But they'd never change. Anyway, it was his idea - if it was going to happen, it would have his name on it.

Fast forward a year, and he's secured some seed funding, he's got a team of six, and now he's looking at the ominous prospect of launching the product to the public in six months. He's pretty amazed with what he's achieved with his team, who are now his closest friends.
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Jim MillikenJonathan FeistAnya FaingershMário H TrentimElizabeth Grace SaundersMichael LuchiesKayla A. RoxasLisa AndersonJason WestlandLew SauderStephen DaleSteven StarkeFrancis NormanSusanne MadsenMichael Hatfield
